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Author Topic: Restructure of our Leadership and Officer position  (Read 4575 times)

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28/03/2023, 00:50


  • The Re4pers Council
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This initiative won't be much of a surprise as it was already announced and slightly explained a couple of weeks ago.
Following the decrease of active leader due to various and often very reasonable reason we decided to reconsider the way our officer position are handled. The decision was to take a more open approach to avoid burnouts and the fear of it.

The idea is to give every member holding a officer rank the chance to decide in which way they plan to contribute to the outfit.
With this post starts a 3 week period for every officer to announce their preferred activity via pm. or here as a inspiration for other member.

This activities can be simple as just leading squads/platoons as the title suggests, hosting trainings or events, or maybe something more exotic like providing content for our media channels or something completely unique. Consider to have a reasonable beneficial contribute for the community (not like: I'm here that should be enough) which suits you best without tiring you to much.
The period ends with the 18th of April and every officer who did not use the time to elaborate (please explain your idea and give rough details of how frequent/in which quantity something is done ) their idea will be demoted to veteran for the time being.

We hope you can use this chance for a new motivation and maybe also with some interesting ideas.
Beyond this I also like to encourage everyone else to either step up as squad leader or also use the time to implement your ideas like events or something else.

Don't forget: If you are not sure how to realize your ideas there are plenty of people willing to help you.

With that said,

« Last Edit: 28/03/2023, 01:30 by FelixTheLion »

Reply #1
28/03/2023, 01:58


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Well, For me i usualy lead a squad once a week (which is  For The past year and half or more is noble on re4spect).. And i am willing to continuo doing that..

_ To explain it breifly, noble is infantry squad that I lead(also crayper sl noble) on ts which pull maxes, armor and air (not much air to be honest) according to fights and situation and then switch back to soft infantry.. It is what i call "mechanized infantry "

_hopefully in the future i will contribuote more to The mechanized infantry idea and make more events during The week regarding it,.. but For now as i said it will be sl noble once a week

Reply #2
28/03/2023, 07:41


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So what am I doing?
I am doing Infantry SLing for “Justice” which is one of our OPS squads and you find me leading on Sundays and rarely during the week and I am involved in most infantry-focused Jaeger events. I used to do a lot of infantry training on live servers as well and I am willing to do more of those again, if the demand is there for those events.

Events I organize  are (usually) focused on infantry improvement. I want Re4’s Infantry to be the best it can be. Be that through providing a good training environment on jaeger or during live practise / OPS to improve on hard skills such as aim, reaction time, awareness etc. and soft skills like positioning, communication, proper engagements and callouts.

My playstyle can be summed up in a simple: “drop, die, repeat” and I will not shut up on comms, or on my personal stats (because I use them to evaluate my performance). I also have an aversion towards maxes, with no good reason for it other than I just don't like them.

My activity has been down recently and it does not look good for my pace to pick up again anytime soon. But what do I know?

Reply #3
28/03/2023, 10:12


  • The Re4pers Council
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Im doing open squads and platoons almost every day in the week. I would appriciate if somebody else would do this too

Reply #4
28/03/2023, 16:52


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I would, but Shretter is doing Trainings on the day i could.
I will do it on Wensdays

Reply #5
28/03/2023, 18:22


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I am not active as I once was on the leading side, or even on the playing side these days. I've had the SL role since 2017 and my level of input of the years has increased during my time on the council and decreased in the following years after I stepped down and my playing time reduced.

That said, I'm not done leading yet. I'm currently playing the role of a backup leader to Justice when Composer is unavailable. I always want to see a well drilled tryhard squad running every week and will continue to contribute to make that so. I'm also happy taking a squad in a platoon once in a while.

Reply #6
30/03/2023, 13:11


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Hello all, my playtime in Planetside2 fluctuates strongly and right now I'm not very active, so a demotion to Veteran is probably in order. When the urge to shoot some Planetmans comes back I will gladly try to contribute to the best of my abilities. Thanks to everyone involved in making the re4pers the community that it is today!

Reply #7
30/03/2023, 13:38
I would, but Shretter is doing Trainings on the day i could. I will do it on Wensdays

I am relatively flexible with the event, if you can only do Wednesdays, you are welcome to hold events. That was only for this week the rest of the events regarding "building callouts" are rather flexible and adapted to the participants.

Ah what do I do regarding leading, hmm..
- Sunday OPs as PL (FC) or SL
- from time to time Open Squads (in the last time rather few)
- currently the building callout event
- if any big event is scheduled in PS2 or on Cobalt I try to organize something RE4 internally (Cobalt Clash, NCAF)

Reply #8
30/03/2023, 17:24


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I don't play Planetside anymore (and to be fair I don't know if I ever will).
You can remove me as a leader.

Reply #9
30/03/2023, 17:39


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Hey all, although I may lurk on the forums I don't play planetside these days. Happy for you guys to remove me as a leader.
Highly trained professional in making it look like I know what I'm doing.

Reply #10
31/03/2023, 18:13


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My contribiution is ever lasting experiments with strategy and tactics, some fun events. But because of new work and new country my activity is severly reduced and i hope i am pardoned for that.

Reply #11
04/04/2023, 17:45


  • The Re4pers Council
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Most of my leadership activity is related to infantry since my arrival in RE4, a few is dedicated to armour. Through my year in The Re4pers I've come to realize that competitive stuff isn't our priority, and that is the reason of my recent decline in activity on Cobalt in favour of Miller. Although I intend to stay within the roster as an officer, It's likely that my contribution from now on will be present in occasional events until something like OW comes up.

Reply #12
14/04/2023, 11:31


  • The Re4pers Council
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Reminder about this lasting for only a few more days.

Reply #13
18/04/2023, 00:52


  • The Re4pers Council
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While this was mostly meant to clarify the involvement of Sls and Pls it was in some terms the rest of the council using it. So i just want to include my point. Next to the administration stuff i'm looking forward on how to handle training in the future. Participation in the last leadership and basic training have been down to 1-3 people (viewing it optimistically). I will see if some changes can help making them more attractive to the target audience. Next to that i'm also just waiting for a proper demand across the outfit to improve the quality of our public platoons.

Beyond this today is the last day of the evaluation period.
« Last Edit: 18/04/2023, 01:07 by FelixTheLion »

Reply #14
08/05/2023, 23:23


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Not been active for a while. My father was diagnosed with cancer and I have a little girl now. Been waiting for things to get better but still not had the time yet. Hoping for the construction update to bring me back to the game for a bit but I’m not hopeful with how the current game state is.

Active on TeamSpeak and discord when I can and always available to contact if needed. Mostly playing single player games for now.

Looking at getting back into making some content on the side too but probably more towards q4

Happy to be demoted if required.

Thanks 👏🏻

« Last Edit: 08/05/2023, 23:25 by Nico101 »
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