We are gaining momentum! Be sure to keep up to date and check the forum event tab for currently running:
- Almost daily Events and trainings! TS Squads are rolling all the time!
- RE4Spect ops on Sundays! Don't forget to signup on the google doc! Lead or grunt, step up and get ready for OW!
- Community meetings 2 times a month! Speak up and You will be listened to!
Fear the Re4pers!
RE4 Showcase video by Ansic to be found below!
« Last Edit: 09/09/2020, 14:05 by MrFFF »

"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
"To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best"― Kreia (Knights of the Old Republic II)
"I generally don't believe in things if there's a lot of evidence to suggest they're false" ― Ross Scott