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Author Topic: Map of the RE4PERS forum  (Read 2185 times)

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21/06/2021, 11:08


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  • Human Resource Officer
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  • Armpit Eater
Please Update as needed

Here You can find the general map of the forum, feel free to discuss changes and do updates/cleanups, aim is for better forum navigation for both new and old members. I did my best to keep the formating on a per line basis for easy editing as needed looks messy but should help down the line

added the post in text file in case you want to suggest changes or edit them in Yourself

Concept came out of the following forum thread STREAMLINING THE WEBSITE AND MARKETING IMPROVEMENTS If You want to suggest or help out making the forum more user friendly please post there

- Public Announcements - *1 Mostly used for big announcements and frontpage general articles Generaly does not include: Community Meeting events posts and events that are sorted in the "EVENTS" forum section
- Recruitment - *1 Fresh outfit join applications are displayed here before they are (automatically?) moved to the recruitment archive
Sticky Topics:
-Outfit rules,
-Recruitment Rules,
-Bunksters Forum Tutorial and how to join teamspeak tutorial.
- Community Discussion - Community meetings event postings and general community banter.
Sticky Topics:
-New member Welcome messege, (currently locked)
-Outfit Ranks tutorial, (currently locked)
-Platoon Leader and Squad Leader (PL & SL) applications,
-Away from game announcing,
-Returning players requesting re-invite in game,
-Wolkens guide on giving constructive feedback,
-Show me your face thread for posting RL photos of the members
-Show me your pets! thread for presenting the glory of our RL overlords
- Training & Best Loadouts - Contains general Discussions about in game mechanics, tactics, and performance setups as well as the more detailed subforums listed below as separate sections.
Sticky Topics:
-Passive systems for the classes for new players -
-Collection of Tips and Tricks - Amazing compilation by xRetry
Subforum sections:
Best Loadouts - Class and vehicle Loadouts lots of them outdated but not all, also contains Xretrys game sooting mechanics analisis and discussion and his Complementary Infantry Weapons Guide,
Infantry Training - Basic Infantry Training Videos by bunkster [Also 2 missplaced topics - LMG guils and a event topic for wolkens infantry training]
Vehicle and Air Training - a few old vehicle maneuver tutorials and recent liberator event topic
Officer Training - some leader relevant tutorials and guides and information tables lots of them outdated
- Diplomacy - seems completely unused, [needs to be viewable by guests]
Sticky topics:
-If you are interested in cooperating with RE4, please post here
- RE4 Media - Outfit created media and killstreak showcasing, includes some tactical discussion about locations and  strategy in game.
Sticky topics:
-PlaneSide2 videos
-Show me your Killstreaks
-Offline nature - show me ur free time
-RE4PERS Content providers
-Re4pers YouTube channel
-You want to upload? Get password here!, (currently locked)
- Planetside 2 News - *1 Upcoming changes discussion, PTS discussion and events organization. PS2 Annoucements and PS2 news sharing bots in their own forum subsections

- RE4 Operations - General event topics for in game operations and training
Sticky Topics:
- Re4pers Op´s ideas and suggestions
- RE4 Specalists Team (RE4SpecT) - Respect ops event topics
- RE4 Trainings - General gameplay trainings event topics
- External Events & Joint Ops -
- ServerSmash Section - Slightly better organized then the above with subforums for discussion past and upcoming events of server smash

- Specialist Program - General - Description and discussion about the Specialist program, a few debrief threads from past ops,
Sticky Topics:
-What is the Specialist program? Suggestions for groups and rules to govern them.
-How to setup your Specalist whisper list
- RMC - Re4pers Marine Corps (Infantry) -
- F4T - Fatguard Gang (Armor) -
- R4F - Re4pers Air Force (Air) -
- R4T - Rip and Tear / Death Runners (Spec Ops) -
- 4RT - Base Builders (Construction) -

- Leadership - Squad leads / veteran and higher access only, Outfit rules and leadership discussion, leadership step down threads and general info, Event tactics and policy discussion. Some forum moderation info.  

- About the Re4pers Council - Nothing? [Currently redirects to the front page probably originaly was pointing towards a front page news article]
- Council Discussion (Public) - Council related announcements and public discussion
- Council Application - Aplication for the Re4 Council, Yes You dont have to wait for another council election if we have free slots
- Council Discussion (Internal) - Dark secrets and misschief

- THE RE4Quests - Newest forum section dedicated for community requests and group effort projects
- Lounge - General off-topic discussion, not as casual as You might think often important outfit related maters are discussed here
Sticky topics:
-Cry Baby of the Month Nomination
-Q&A area (Ask your question and hope for a answer)
- Media - Videos pictures etc of non planetside relater origin (...tho not always), also discussion of the re4 website aparantly [probably should be moved]
Sticky topics:
-Streamlining the website and marketing improvements
-RE4 Movie night! The main discussion, suggestion thread and voteing poll for our weekly Movie night, usually hosted on Thursday.
-Funny videos
-Interesting videos
Subforum sections:
RE4 Movie night Event calendar posts - Board for RE4 Movie night. Individual calendar events. You can find the general info, archive and voting thread as a sticky post in the Off topic Media forum section.
- Other Games - Here we talk about other games and games meta
Sticky topics:
-Free Games/ Free Keys/ Free Plays
-Star Citizen - Read this before making an Account
-Minecraft Server Restart
-Branching out into other games
- Technical Assistance - All kinds of Technical questions and requests, softwere hardwere, re4pers webside or TS and so on. [There seems to be a "The Re4pers Status Page" subforum linking to a dissabled website giving a "Error 500. Internal Server Error"]

This board is made by MrFFF so that You don't have to deal with all the Touhou shit hes constantly posting, You're welcome. Also made a separate recent topic box for this forum section only, and You can collapse it if You want!

And then there is the technical section i guess we should not touch that.
- recruitment archive - *1

*1) can be seen while not logged in to a user account
« Last Edit: 22/09/2022, 15:15 by MrFFF »
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
"To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best"― Kreia (Knights of the Old Republic II)
"I generally don't believe in things if there's a lot of evidence to suggest they're false" ― Ross Scott

Reply #1
21/06/2021, 12:00


  • *
  • Human Resource Officer
  • Forum Posts 2.525
    Outfit Rank by Planetside2 Score #38
  • Armpit Eater
I would like to put this somewhere where its easy to find on the fly and for new ppl. Maybe add it in he guides or make a new tab next to cloud and search of the main page? was not able to figure out where to edit those
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
"To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best"― Kreia (Knights of the Old Republic II)
"I generally don't believe in things if there's a lot of evidence to suggest they're false" ― Ross Scott


Bunkster is currently playing Got it!