Dear Re4pers, I am proud to say that our outfit was so successful in the past that we can fill a platoon with fellow re4pers nearly every day. Thats awesome! But to keep our high leading standard we need to recruit more leading personal and train them well. In the last days a lot of people applied for that - and I hope thats only the beginning. Expanding the officers koprs will also prevent our current officers to burn out: A burden is easier to carry, if shared. To suppport this intend, we will implement some changes (Thx for the people who suggested these in the discussion thread): NEW RANKS We will add SQUAD LEADER TRAINEE and PLATOON LEADER TRAINEE ranks to our Forum and TS. You can apply for this ranks even whithout having the 200 needed SL ribbons, which will lower the entry barrier to it. The Trainees will be trained (of course), mentored and supervised by our veteran officers. After some weeks and with the right amount of ribbons and a fitting rib/h score, the current officers will decide if the TRAINEE will be promoted to the officer position applying. RELIEF OF DUTIES We will lower the needed rib/h score to stay in rank. The last half ... Mosquito and avqto are now serving as Squad Leaders. May they win many battles with us!
Fear the Re4pers! The Recruitment-Threads are now shown seperatly on the right side of the page to not spam the other "recent topics". Hope you like it.
Thx Xerxates for the effort! Fellow Re4pers,
cheer our new Platoon Leader Phir - once an officer in the ranks of GBX, now one of us. Congratulations and PHIR the Re4pers! I herewith proudly present our new officers:
Squad Leader 213123445131 aka Numbers and Platoon Leader BloodyUriel. Both of them worked their way up and should wear their new ranks with pride. They will lead or forces into battle and to victory! Fear the re4pers! |
KnightexNC by Crayper00
[18/11/2024, 20:23] EnderLuca43 by MrFFF [28/09/2024, 22:09] Ejw99 by MrFFF [20/08/2024, 12:01]
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