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The Re4pers want you!

19/07/2015, 16:10 by TheBUNKSTER Outfit News

Changes on the Website Permissions

Fellow Re4pers,

on the last community meeting we decided to vitalize the forum. In order to achive that, all Squad Leaders and ACEs have now the option to:

-create, modifiy or create events (there are multiple ways to do that. I recommend to left-click on a date in a calendar and fill out the appearing dialog box)

-Post threads as articles. They will show up on the frontpage in the middle of the page after doing that. NOTE: The whole THREAD will show up there, so you need to creave a new thread for every post you want to set to the front page. I recommend to double-post the chosen content in the "public announcements", lock it there and set it there as article. That will keep answers and discussions out of the front page and makes more space for other articles. I hope especially our youtubers will use that new function often. The new button "add as article" can be found on the very top right of a created thread.

I hope it all works as intended. If not, PM me please.

Fear the Re4pers!
04/07/2015, 18:39 by TheBUNKSTER Outfit News

General Community Meeting on TS

Dear Re4pers,

the wind of change is blowing and its time to think about some issues in our structure. Much more its time to finally meet each other on TS for a constructive matter. And if the latest incidents have shown one thing for me, than its that we have splitted our community too much between the officers or verterans and the new players here. Most of the communication about the rules, the goals and the problems we had were discussed there and not in the public. Lets step back a little and find our democratic heart, the spirtit of the rep4ers and with that the porpuse of this community: Having fun playing a game together.

Agenda (by now, there can be things added spontanious):

1. How can we clean up and sipmlify the forum to get new re4pers more active here and motivate people to make rank
2. Should we open the SL&PL recruitment again
3. Leadership needs to pick some of the SLs and offer them a promotion to PL?
4. Restrict the outfit recruitment to people that are applying on our website only (maybe raise the age to 18)?
5. Make a more detailed self introduction thread mandatory for new recruits to raise their activity level?
6. How to deal with the report list?
7. Should we rebuild a new competative squad? Do we want to get into the ServerSmash again?

Meeting will be on Sunday, 12th of July at 19:00 CET on our TS.

Fear the re4pers!

20/04/2015, 10:12 by TheBUNKSTER Outfit News

New Rules about Leading

Dear Re4pers,

we have some unwritten rules that need to be implemented into our standard ruleset:

1. Recruits are not allowed to open or lead a squad or a platoon unless there is a special permission from the outfit lead.

2. Soldiers are not allowed to open squads or platoons. They can take squad or platoon leads of existing forces when an officer is online and supervising them. When this officer needs to leave, the lead needs to be taken back and the squad/platoon needs to be disbanded

3. If there is not leading personal present, squads and platoons need to be disbanded. Use the slash command: /squad disband or /platoon disband.

These rules are important to keep the high standard we provide in our platoons.

Fear the Re4pers!
25/02/2015, 17:00 by LotP Outfit News

2 Years of The Re4pers - Anniversary Party Video

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