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21/07/2016, 21:10 by maikel580Rebel Planetside 2- News

Improving the Alert System in Planetside 2!

Hello everyone!  ;)

I am Maikel580, and my main is a TR char in RMIS. (just incase you did not knew me yet)

I would like to see the alert system in planetside 2 improve, cause at the moment I dont really see any outfits playing together, I never hear anyone screaming in the command channel and above that i personally dont see why i still should even try to take a base... This is quite a serious problem, I dont want to see planetside 2 die yet and i want to have fun when i lead my public platoons!

In the past there was a system called 'facility alerts' were you had to capture and hold as many major facilitys (biolabs, amp stations and tech plants) back then outfits worked together through the command channel and won battles because of teamwork, not because of 500 Zerg russ member rushing the points. A lot of people enjoyed this system but since its gone a lot of leaders and players left and planetside 2 is slightly getting less interest.

I want to rebuild some previous golden times, but i can only make one step at the time. I thereby made a petition on Change.org, but please dont see it as a petition, its more meant as a offial count of how many people want to facility alerts back so daybreak can see it and maybe implement it. We already have big VS outfits like Trid onboard and there is stuff regarding this on their website and twitter. Now i wanted to contact the Re4pers cause you guys are a big ass outfits too and i think you en...
09/05/2016, 20:20 by TheBUNKSTER Outfit News

Cheer our new officers!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am proud to announce that three officer trainees have finished their training and were promoted today. Finally, we got some new Platoon Leaders, and thats what we needed most. These new officers are skilled and trained and will lead our platoons to victory!

Bersti > Squad Leader
Wolkenwand > Platoon Leader
Plantpot > Platoon Leader

Congratulations and hip hip hurray!

08/04/2016, 12:00 by stonedmedic Outfit News


So here comes my first promotion post. I'm happy to announce that three of our Squad Leader Trainees have finished their training yesterday. During the training, Asgard Warrior, Itachi and Einar have proved that they are capable leaders by leading our squad under my supervision. Each of them had opportunity to present their strategy and tactics and take the Squad Leader position and they all did a great job. Good night and good luck.
06/04/2016, 18:33 by TheBUNKSTER Outfit News

We have a new Outfit Leader!

Ladies and Gentleman,

our Outfit Leader Elections are over and with 89 people giving their vote, we reached the highest turnout in our history. This shows that we are bringing more and more Re4pers to this forum - a process that should be worked on in future. I would love to read some more words from the "silent ones" ... But first things first:

I am really moved that you put so much faith in me again and I am even more happy that you accept Stonedmedic as your new Outfit Leader. I can tell you, its the right decision: he is intelligent, gentle, upright and really cares about the outfit and its members.

HIP HIP HOORAY! Cheer our new Outfit Leader!

But we should not forget the fine Slymountain, who was the most trusted companion I could imagine in the last years. We navigated this outfit though some troubled water and that we are so successful is in big parts his credit. He is and will be the good herat of this outfit (Yes, you may not think that when you hear him raging. But he is a very gentle and nice person!)

To honor Slys retirement, we will have a very special fun ops this Friday (08.04.) at 19:00 CET. What we do exactly will be a surprise, but it would be nice to see a lot of you to honor your old leader. The retirement ceremony will take place within the event.

Fear the Re4pers!

21/03/2016, 17:18 by TheBUNKSTER Outfit News

Cheer our new officers!

Fellow Re4pers,

I am proud to announce that our officer training program has its first outcome! Me and many other senior leaders were pretty much impressed how fast our trainees improved, so it was about time to promote the first bunch of them.

Cheer our new officers:

Syyyyyyy, Platoon Leader
Einssi, Squad Leader
PlantPotSoldier, Squad Leader
NaturalSciences, Squad Leader
LostSpine, Squad Leader
Shoarmabro, Squad Leader

This will not be the end of our training efforts. New officer recruits are welcome!

Fear the Re4pers!
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