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Author Topic: [PTS] Test Server Update - Nov. 17, 2020  (Read 2054 times)

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18/11/2020, 02:49


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In preparation for our eight-year anniversary on Nov. 20, we're sending Chapter 2 of The Shattered Warpgate to PTS, along with the changes and fixes listed below.

  • !! Fixed issues related to the game using the incorrect resolution and window sizes on launch and when tabbing out of the game.
  • !! Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent particle trails from playing when a weapon is fired.
  • !! Fixed an issue where gaining directive progress quickly would cause game performance to drop drastically.
  • !! Fixed a long-standing issue where lumifiber would appear black when it is not actively being illuminated.
  • !! Flak explosives should no longer cause drastic framerate drops due to excessive particles.
  • Sanctuary has been updated with new Warpgate Terminal visuals, and more terminals available closer to spawn-in points.
  • Players will be able to customize Drop Pod cosmetics by visiting the Nascent Expeditions shop on Sanctuary.
  • Tracked missions and campaign events now show a new indicator that makes it easier to discern.
  • Made various user experience improvements to campaign and mission screens.
  • Reclaimed MBTs now use empire specific colors for their main cannon weapons.
  • NSO Frag Grenade no longer uses NC's Frag Grenade description.

Source: Test Server: Announcements

Reply #1
18/11/2020, 09:34


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  • Players will be able to customize Drop Pod cosmetics by visiting the Nascent Expeditions shop on Sanctuary.
Finally. This is something we all were totally asking for  8)
Don't worry I'm sure as a cow's manure!

Reply #2
18/11/2020, 10:04


  • The Re4pers Council
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I hope their will be a teebag option for the drop pods...

Reply #3
18/11/2020, 10:38


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  • Armpit Eater
Personally would rather PS2 did not change into fortnight, thank You weary much.
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Reply #4
18/11/2020, 10:40


  • The Re4pers Council
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If this is another way for them to earn money, I dont mind. I just hope that they dont change the pods to parachutes...


Bunkster is currently playing Got it!