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The Re4pers want you!

14/12/2020, 11:39 by PlantPotSoldier Outfit News

Promotion of our new officers!

I would like to congratulated our new officers in gaining their promotion!

Our new squad leaders:


and our new platoon Leader:


May they lead well and continue to bring victory for our outfit!

08/09/2020, 16:29 by MrFFF Battlefield

RE4 activity increasing!

We are gaining momentum! Be sure to keep up to date and check the forum event tab for currently running:

- Almost daily Events and trainings! TS Squads are rolling all the time!
- RE4Spect ops on Sundays! Don't forget to signup on the google doc! Lead or grunt, step up and get ready for OW!
- Community meetings 2 times a month! Speak up and You will be listened to!

Fear the Re4pers!
RE4 Showcase video by Ansic to be found below!
21/07/2020, 18:42 by Terrorbird Outfit News

RE4pers are back in business!

Regular roster is back on the menu boys, with the first RE4SpecT Sunday 26th of July at 20:00 CEST.

Activity will stay on a lower pitch though and not expecting that to change untill the beginning of September. To compensate we may put more emphasis on joint operations with other outfits.

More info and signup link regarding RE4SpecT can be found here: https://re4pers.com/index.php?topic=6242.msg51396#msg51396

(RE4 wallpaper made by "Ansic") (Post modified to include Showcase video instead, Also by Ansic, done by MrFFF)
23/06/2020, 22:07 by Terrorbird Outfit News

Summer break

Hi marvelous Re4pers. It is that time of the year again.. outfits will fall, clans will crumble, fellow members will disappear, never to be seen again! Oh nooo, what do we do? It is summer people!  :o

In all seriousness though, this post is to inform you that indeed summer has arrived and with it, the usual activity drop. Therefore we're also using this time to take a small 4 week "leadership break", meaning no regular activities such as RE4SpecT Ops for the moment. First one will kick off again on Sunday July 19th. Does this mean nothing will be organized in the meantime? No, anyone is free to host whatever they want. There will be organized stuff in the upcoming weeks for sure, just not the regular roster.  ;D

In the meantime we do encourage you guys also to take it slow and maybe ,if you want, use this time to check out some other games with fellow RE4pers!

A couple tips:
22/05/2020, 15:17 by Wolkenwand Outfit News

Official Apology for our newsletter

Dear Re4pers

Due to our mailing system being as old as the outfit itself, a bureaucratic error managed to slip through our system. The new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was not implemented yet, and so we sent you our Newsletter without having your approval for it.
We are sorry for this! Please ignore our mail, or even delete it.
If you like getting messages from us, please visit your profile on re4pers.com and check the newsletter box.

Thank you for your understanding!
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[05/07/2024, 14:14]

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