In-game name: ZemixeurNC
Battle Rank: 49
Age: 28
Country: France
Why do you want to join the Re4pers: Hi !
I've played Planetside 2 for I don't know how long. I just got back in the game after a 5 year hiatus. I have played about 2-3 hours a night everyday for the past 2 months so when I say I'm back, I got the feeling I'm back.
I have been playing NS, just to shake things up, but i need an outfit, can't lift the continent on my own.
I have a few accounts and nametags :
Zemixeur (used to be my main, TR outfit disbanded so no one to play with)
ZemixeurNC (BR 49 and my favorite)
ZemixeurNS (BR 45 but I played only solo so the certs feels that way).
I am tired of always thinking to myself that with a couple of guys we could remove a hotspot of infils or get rid of these pesky sundys, and having no one to work with...
I play mostly infantry (infil, medic, heavy, you name it) and I use to be kinda good in an offenser or ESF.
So anyways, I hope you guys are recruiting, and that I can at least get a leg in, so to speak, to get to play with people like you guys.
BTW, I chose to apply to you guys cuz you were always the toughest opponent to face in my TR days. I hope it's still the case
PS : I speak english and french fluently
Link to player profile:
ZemixeurNC Profile-------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello ZemixeurNC and welcome to The Re4pers!
To join our outfit in-game too, please reach out to one of our officers on our Teamspeak server ( and ask for an invite.
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We hope you will enjoy your time with The Re4pers. See you on Auraxis!
The Automatic Recruitment Manager