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Author Topic: Feb. 17, 2021 - PC Update  (Read 2617 times)

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17/02/2021, 03:21


  • Psnews
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All PC servers will come down for a new game update on Wednesday, February 17, at 4:30am PT (1:30pm CET). Downtime for each update is expected to last up to 4.5 hours.

AF-34 Mattock (NC MAX Anti-Infantry Weapon)

  • Reverted pellet count from 4 to 3.
  • Max damage from 100 to 112.
  • Min damage from 75 to 92.
Dev Note: Overall this walks back some of the damage that was given in the last update, while still leaving it in a better state than it was prior to that.

Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions

  • Fixed a potential zone crash related to character resource management.
  • Flash XS-1 Schematic can no longer be purchased multiple times.
  • Ammunition Towers no longer repair MAX units or deployables.
  • Fixed a typo in the "Matchmaker: Adventure" mission.
Outfit Wars Cleanup

  • Resolved a UI bug causing queued Outfits to shuffle their placement when pending enlistment to Outfit Wars.
  • "Regular Season" now shows as "Qualifiers" on the Outfit War screens.
  • Outfits who no-show during Outfit Wars will no longer receive points for placement.
  • Fixed some scheduling issues for various servers.
  • Fixed a UI bug that could cause a valid Outfit Wars participant from using the Join Match button immediately.
The first Outfit Wars matches will take place either Friday or Saturday, and match times for this first round will become visible the morning of the 19th on each server. Subsequent matches will have about a week's worth of leadup with match times displayed, and the transition from Enlistment→First Round will be resolved in the next season.

Qualifiers and playoffs have the potential match times below, server time:

  • Friday - 6:00pm
  • Friday - 6:30pm
  • Saturday - 3:00pm
  • Saturday - 3:30pm
Championships have the potential match times below, server time:

  • Saturday - 3:00pm
  • Saturday - 3:30pm
  • Saturday - 4:00pm

Source: Game Update Notes

Reply #1
17/02/2021, 07:50


  • The Re4pers Council
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Reply #2
17/02/2021, 09:23


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  • Better to die as NC than to live as Vanu.
Servertime means CET?
Friendly fire is also called blue on blue. Now I know why.

Reply #4
17/02/2021, 09:41


  • The Re4pers Council
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I think yes too

Reply #5
17/02/2021, 10:10


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wow these match times are stupid.
I am definitely out, if it's friday. Saturday is maybe makeable for me.

Reply #6
17/02/2021, 10:27


  • The Re4pers Council
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Agreed that the times are stupid, please upvote the reddit post

Reply #7
17/02/2021, 12:15


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  • #VeganistUngesund
If it 21:00 CET on Friday its okay.
If its 21:00 CET Saturday its okay.

But if they mean this time down what the hell they are thinking ??

Friday - 6:00pm
Friday - 6:30pm
Saturday - 3:00pm
Saturday - 3:30pm
Championships have the potential match times below, server time:

Saturday - 3:00pm
Saturday - 3:30pm
Saturday - 4:00pm

Reply #8
17/02/2021, 12:31


  • The Re4pers Council
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The early times on saturday should be less of an issue (eg. you can still go out after covid lockdowns are lifted) but the friday times are just retarded


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