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Author Topic: Knifefrog  (Read 699 times)

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22/05/2023, 19:37


  • Auto. Recruitm. Manager
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  • The Re4pers Automatic Recruitment Manager
In-game name: Knifefrog

Battle Rank:  25

Age: 25

Country: CZR

Why do you want to join the Re4pers: Trying to get into a nice community

Link to player profile: Knifefrog Profile


Hello Knifefrog and welcome to The Re4pers!

To join our outfit in-game too, please reach out to one of our officers on our Teamspeak server (ts.re4pers.com) and ask for an invite.

Once you get accepted in-game, your four weeks trial will start.

Feel free to introduce yourself in our Introduction Thread and make sure to read our guidelines.

Your forum group is changed to Grunt now. You can start viewing everything on the forum. You are also welcome to join our Teamspeak: ts.re4pers.com.

Remember to be friendly, active and polite.

We hope you will enjoy your time with The Re4pers. See you on Auraxis!

The Automatic Recruitment Manager

Reply #1
23/05/2023, 08:21


  • Squad Leader
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Welcome to The outfit.. It was Nice seeing you on ts yesterday

Reply #2
23/05/2023, 10:41


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Welcome to the RE4 8)

Heres a map of the forum so You can find Your way around it. https://re4pers.com/index.php?topic=7050.0
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
"To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best"― Kreia (Knights of the Old Republic II)
"I generally don't believe in things if there's a lot of evidence to suggest they're false" ― Ross Scott


Bunkster is currently playing Got it!