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Author Topic: [PTS] PTS Update - 8/31  (Read 2261 times)

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01/09/2017, 02:41


  • Psnews
  • Forum Posts 847
    Likes Received 28
    Outfit Rank by Planetside2 Score -
The PlanetSide Public Test Server will be coming down this evening for about an hour and another iteration of our new continent locking is being pushed out. We are getting closer to something usable for a public test.

Continents and Alerts

Building on the system showcased in our previous critical mass article (https://www.planetside2.com/news/ps2-critical-mass-development-update-2017) the following changes have been made…

  • Factions now display current continent control percentages at the top of the map screen, and the UI dropdown has been streamlined to better indicate what requirements are needed in order to start an alert. This UI is a work in progress and will receive additional updates in the future.
  • Refined Cortium required is now 25,000, and only requires a single “point,” instead of the previous 10,000 goal and two points.
  • You are now required to own at least 36% territory by the end of the meltdown alert, down from the previous 41% territory control. These are experimental values and will likely receive additional tuning.


Light Assault

Flight Suit

  • Fuel capacity per rank from 10/13/15/20 to 30/35/38/40%.
  • Reduces the cooldown time on Ambusher jump jets by 0.60/0.80/0.90/1 second.
  • Rank 3 cert cost from 150 to 200.
  • Rank 4 cert cost from 250 to 500.
Dev note: Previous benefits didn't influence the player's playstyle to a noticeable degree, leading to less desirability as a suit slot option. This buff makes the suit slot more competitive, and adds functionality for Ambusher Jump Jets.

Bug fixes

  • Daimyo’s Quadra 4x optic no longer uses the wrong zoom level.
  • Speculative fix to a vehicle repair exploit.
  • BLOP Armor Decal renamed F4 Armor Decal, per the outfit's request.
  • Ambusher Jump Jets no longer boost for unintended lengths of time while getting kills with Aerial Combatant 5.
  • Meltdown precision strikes no longer last indefinitely.
  • Skybox should once again return to its normal state a short time after a meltdown alert ends.

Source: Planetside 2 Test Server: Announcements


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