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Author Topic: [PTS] PTS Update - 4/21  (Read 1792 times)

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22/04/2017, 01:50


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Combined Arms Adjustments

Rocket Launcher Adjustments

The Kraken

Stats have been updated to that of the Decimator's


·         Indirect damage from 300 to 160

·         Fast mode projectile lifespan from 5 to 16 seconds (this is a reversion of the last PTS update)

·         Slow mode projectile lifespan from 8 to 16 seconds (this is a reversion of the last PTS update)

Dev Note: We went back to what made the Swarm feel unique with longer-tracking projectiles, but kept its strong ground vehicle damage to help it stand out.

MANA Turrets

MANA Engineer Turrets no longer resist explosive damage. This returns the hits to kill to their previous values for many weapons.

AV MANA Turret

Damage from 1335 to 700


·         Inner Damage from 500 to 250

·         Inner Radius form 0.35 to 0.5

·         Outer Damage from 1 to 50

Dev Note: MANA AV turret damage was missed in the initial pass. In most cases, hits needed to kill or hits to burning goes up by 1 and it can no longer one-hit kill full health infantry. We're considering a redesign of this weapon, but for now this brings it in line with the current baseline changes.


Damage from 100 to 75

·         Fire rate from 200 to 250 (300 rpm to 240 rpm)


·         Inner Damage from 225 to 250

·         Outer Damage from 1 to 25

·         Outer Radius from 4 to 3

Dev Note: Direct damage was too high after moving to its new resist type. Damage and RPM is being lowered so that it is not too strong against armor. To compensate against infantry, inner blast damage radius is being upped. PPA was also missed during the initial round of blast damage changes so that is being corrected.



·         Outer Damage from 1 to 25

·         Outer Radius from 4 to 3

Dev Note: Marauder outer blast settings got missed in the initial round of changes.


Bug Fix: Lightning camera should no longer tilt and shots be slightly off center

Bug Fix: Lightning AP and HESH incorrectly set to 3.5 second reload. Now set to 3 seconds.

Bug Fix: Lightning HEAT incorrectly set to 2.5 second reload. Now set to 2 seconds.

Previous patch notes had incorrect inner blast damage values, the correct values are:

HEAT 500

AP 500

HESH 1050


·         Recoil from 1 to 2.5

·         Cone of Fire

·         Now uses standard dynamic crosshair

·         Growth per shot from 0.1 to 0.5

·         Min from 0 to 0.5

·         Max from 0.5 to 1.5

Dev Note: The intention behind the vipers high damage is that it in order to take advantage of its damage it needs to be in close. The weapon should generate too much recoil and CoF when firing full auto to be effective at range. This had not been properly adjusted; the following addresses this:


·         Gravity from 4 to 3 for Prowler

·         Gravity from 6 to 3 for Harasser

·         Projectile Speed 225

·         Acceleration 100

·         Max Speed 300

·         Harasser Cone of Fire Min from 0.15 to 0.2

Dev Note: There was an error in the original patch notes that said projectile gravity went from 4 to 6. This was only true for the Harasser variant. However we took another look at the weapons range and agree the effective range was shorter than we intended. The projectile is being adjusted and the Harasser variant will be the same as Prowler; range will be limited via just cone of fire. It is also worth nothing that the 200 meter range mentioned in the patch notes is the intended range of the MBT variant against a large target like a Sunderer or MBT. Against smaller and faster targets like Harasser, the effective range will be shorter than that. In addition the Harasser variant range will be slightly lower than that.


·         Resist on ANT, Sunderer, Phalanx, MBT, Lightning from 75 to 90

·         Resist on Harasser from 70 to 80

Dev Note: Corrected Walker resist values on vehicles that received baseline adjustments (ANT, Sunderer, Lightning, Harasser, MBTs). The walker is on a resist type we want to get rid of, but since aircraft have not been looked at as much as the others, it has not been adjusted yet. These changes bring it in line (closer to what it was before) until it can receive a proper pass.

Flak Armor and Nanoweave adjustments

Dev Note: Instead of increasing resistances by a flat value each rank, each rank will instead add new resistance types per rank. Previously the first few ranks were fairly trivial and you didn't really start feeling the benefit until near the end. Now this makes the first rank immediately effective against a certain type of weapon as it will be at maximum potency. This change currently only applies to infantry for now; MAX will receive a similar adjustment in a future update.


Rank 1 grants 20% reduction to small arms damage

Rank 2 grants 20% reduction to heavy machine gun damage (in addition to rank 1s bonus)

Rank 3 grants 20% reduction to anti-vehicle machine gun damage (in addition to rank 1 and 2s bonus)

Rank 4 grants 20% reduction to aircraft machine gun damage (in addition to rank 1, 2 and 3s bonus)

Rank 5 grants 20% reduction to anti-material rifle damage (in addition to rank 1, 2, 3 and 4s bonus)

Flak Armor

Rank 1 grants 50% reduction to blast damage (this includes grenades, proximity mines and weapon splash)

Rank 2 grants 20% reduction to light anti-vehicle weapn damage (in addition to rank 1s bonus)

Rank 3 grants 20% reduction to rocket launcher damage (in addition to rank 1 and 2s bonus)

Rank 4 grants 20% reduction to tank cannon damage (in addition to rank 1, 2 and 3s bonus)

Rank 5 grants 50% reduction to C4 and Tank-Mine damage (in addition to rank 1, 2, 3 and 4s bonus)



·         Damage from 500 to 600


·         Damage from 400 to 600

·         Projectile speed from 200 to 150

·         Max speed from 275 to 225

Dev Note: This change emphasizes the alpha damage of the weapon and makes a single hit more damaging to infantry. Like most harasser variants, the difference is now reduced effective range rather than damage potential. Finally, when combined with the flak armor change above, flak armor no longer pushes the hits to kill to 4. Instead, the hits to kill remains at 2, which gives the Halberd a unique distinction against Flak Armor compared to other gunner weapons.

Misc. Adjustments and Additions

NSX Yumi

·         Max damage from 150 to 167

·         Min damage range from 65m to 90m

·         Ammo capacity from 230 to 210

·         Refire time from 150ms to 250ms

·         Delay before firing from 350ms to 250ms

·         Smoke Launcher from Fully Loaded Bundle now unlocks the attachment for all characters.

NSX Tengu

An early version of the Tengu SMG is now available to test.


Health regeneration on kill from 100/125/150/200 to 175/200/250/325.


Rank 5 no longer provides an extra 10% frontal armor.

Rank 5 now passively increases bodyshot resistance to melee damage by 20%.


Maximum rank now replenishes 10% of your current (not maximum) ability energy.

Shield regeneration from 65/70/80/100 to 120/140/165/200.

Heavy Assault Resist Shield

Damage reduction from 40% to 35%

Dev Note: This is a partial change in preparation for a test we’ll be running in a later PTS update.

Source: Planetside 2 Test Server: Announcements


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