Downtime Start: 6am
Adversarial Alerts[Note: these are not final resolutions, they are intended to tweak things a bit to help us get more data and make the alerts function a bit better as we get longer term fixes in]
- Launch criteria - Min Faction %: 51% (down from 75%)
- Attacker dominating win%: 65% (down from 85%)
- Defender win %: 50% (up from 35%)
Resources- Nanite cost of MAX units has increased from 350 to 450
Directives- Fixed the missing directives for the Crow, Nemesis, Hades, and Hawk launchers in the Tier 4 Launchers directive tree.
- Changed the string for the Objectives Directives "Facility Captures" to "Contested Facility Captures" to better reflect that several enemies must be present for the capture to count towards the directive.
- Fixed the Sidearms Tier 2 NS-38 Underboss to require the Silver medal instead of the Gold medal.
- Added a requirement to the Squad Spawn support ribbon to require the player to be inside a Sunderer or Galaxy in order to receive credit towards the ribbon. This is already a requirement of squad spawning; the ribbon now reflects that.
- UI: Multiple unlock display issues resolved
- Better notification audio added for ribbons and medals
- Removed faction specific callout in Directives help page
Tutorial- Adjusted shields in tutorial to face the proper direction
- Updated the first shield to disappear completely when deactivated
Environment/Bases- Fixed multiple stuck bugs on Indar (special thanks to KleenexTissues for the compiled list)
- Base shields will now render out to 1000 meters (same as they used to)
Misc- Lock on missiles should be back to their previous functionality
- Squad Beacon timer set back to intended refresh
- No more Sunderer ejection seat
- Deployed Sunderers should no longer move when Cruise Control is used
- Eclipse VE3A now has underbarrel shotgun attachment
- Map legend should now have icons
Known Issues- VChat still being looked into, has a potential fix in this update but we'll continue to monitor
- There is a text/string error on the login page
- Tutorial still disabled for new players