In-game name: xXFirlefanzXx
Battle Rank: 99
Age: 35
Country: Kiel (Germany)
Why do you want to join the Re4pers: I've been playing Planetside 2 for about 6 or 7 years. Most of the time I played for the Vanu faction. For 2 years or so I've only been playing in the NC.
In these times i always played for myself and would be happy to meet new people with whom you can share the fun of the game.
currently i have some time to play often and i am bored of these platoons where half of the members are on an other continent or dont follow the orders.
I was part of a good leaded Platoon by wolkenwand in the past and i hope that i can be a part of these good teamwork often.
the atmosphere was so friendly and relaxing, so i enjoyed the time with playing planetside 2, after an exhausting day at work.
Link to player profile:
xXFirlefanzXx Profile-------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello xXFirlefanzXx and welcome to The Re4pers!
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We hope you will enjoy your time with The Re4pers. See you on Auraxis!
The Automatic Recruitment Manager