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Author Topic: March 13, 2020 - Escalation Hotfix #2 (PC)  (Read 1220 times)

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13/03/2020, 20:45


  • Psnews
  • Forum Posts 847
    Likes Received 28
    Outfit Rank by Planetside2 Score -
We are preparing a new PC hotfix for today (Friday, March 13) at 1:30 PM PDT / 8:30 PM GMT to fix an Outfit crafting issue that emerged after this morning’s hotfix. This will require a short downtime of up to 1 hour.

Earlier this morning, we noticed that some Outfits that had begun crafting a Bastion (and other Expeditionary War Asset types) prior to this morning’s Hotfix lost their crafting progress and resources spent after servers came back up.

This new hotfix should correct the issue and restore lost crafting progress and spent resources. However, it may cause Outfits who began immediately re-crafting new War Assets between hotfixes to lose their new progress.

IF you began crafting a Bastion or another Expeditionary War Asset between 8:00 AM PDT and 1:30 PM PDT TODAY, and you notice that you’ve lost crafting progress after servers come back up, please respond to this post with the following details:

Server Name:

Character Name:

Outfit Name:

Asset Type:

We'll leave this post open for reports. Once servers come back up we will refund/restore those lost resources as quickly as possible.

Source: Game Update Notes


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