The Re4pers - Planetside 2 Outfit on Cobalt

The Re4pers => Planetside 2 News => Planetside 2 - Update Notes => Topic started by: PSNews on 05/08/2014, 02:04

Title: Update Notes 8/5
Post by: PSNews on 05/08/2014, 02:04
Downtime start: 4am PDT


The Devs want to thank the PS2 players who helped out on Test over the past week. To show our appreciation, we’re granting Analyst helmets to the Live accounts to anyone who spent an hour total on the Test environment between 12:01 am Thursday July 24th and 11:59 pm Sunday August 3rd.


Also, special thanks to the following who went above and beyond and really helped our QA team out: Sir_Kane, DarkTexas, Shaql, Kalakhina, Shadoiex, MUCHO, Itzhaki, LCTR, GustavoM, and KleenexTissues.



We’ve added a brand new prestige/achievement-style system.

For a very detailed write up on the system see this post.


New Ribbons

Faction Pistols

Resource Consolidation

The three resource types have been consolidated down to one; Nanites. The old resource system was a common source of frustration for many players. To alleviate numerous pains of that system and pave the way for future strategic improvements, we have consolidated all of the resources into a single new resource, rebalanced costs, and normalized resource income.


Spawning Changes

Outfits & Recruitment

We polished up the interface, fixed bugs, and added a couple things to Outfits and Recruitment.

Continent Locking

We did some polish and bug fixing. We also added new adversarial alerts.

Lethality Changes (Rocket Launchers, Tank Primaries, Bulldog)


We have a long term goal to remove some of the excessive lethality in the game.  The Liberator belly gun changes made last June were a step in meeting this goal. This goal is not just about reducing vehicle lethality against infantry, but lethality across the board (infantry against vehicles, infantry against infantry, aircraft vs infantry, etc).  For this update, we are adjusting the lethality of heavy assault rocket launchers, tank primary weapons and the M60 Bulldog.


For most Heavy Assault rocket launchers we are reducing infantry vs infantry lethality by lowering the the blast damage and inner blast radius. The blast damage reduction will render the rocket launchers incapable of a 1 hit kill against full health infantry with blast damage alone. In addition, this will prevent a 1 hit kill on a direct hit against targets using max rank flak armor:

For tank primary weapons, we want to reduce the blast effectiveness of HEAT and HE.  HEAT will no longer be able to 1 shot infantry with splash damage alone.  For HE, the blast radius will be reduced in size (matching HEAT) but will still retain the ability to 1 shot infantry. The time to reload will also be reduced on the HE to match HEAT/AP.  These changes combined should make the difference between HE and HEAT more clean:

Change Details:

Bulldog: Blast damage is being adjusted so that the weapon requires more accurate shots.  For the air version, we are making a reduction in its projectile velocity to reduce its effectiveness against air. The velocity will be reduced to the same level of the Zepher.

Canister, PPA, Marauder

Tank anti-personnel secondary weapons are all receiving some adjustments to bring them closer together.  These changes are intended to be a first step; we may have additional changes for these weapons based on how well these changes work.


C85 Canister

The area the canister is lacking in the most is range.  To increase the effective range we are making two changes.  We are increasing the minimum damage and tightening the pellet spread a little.  We are also changing it to use a shotgun crosshair.

The minimum damage change should noticeably reduce the amount of hits required against targets outside the max range (42 meters for Van, 31 meters for Harasser).  For example, if you were far enough away and only landing an average of two pellets a shot, the min damage change will change that from a 7 shot kill to a 5 shot kill.


Proton II PPA

We want to address how much the weapon can be spammed and how effective it is at suppressing an area, so we will be reducing its magazine size and ammo capacity.  In addition, we are reducing the visual size of the projectile.  The projectile was as big as the resulting explosion visual, and that felt weird.

P525 Marauder

For the marauder we are starting with its ability to hit.  We are increasing the projectile speed.

G30 Walker, A30 Walker and M20 Drake

These weapons are intended to be effective against fast moving aircraft but they are simply missing too many shots.  So we’re increasing their projectile velocity and normalizing their cone of fires to be similar.


M20 Drake

A30 / G30 Walker

Repair Tool

Repair tool targeting has been adjusted to be based off the vehicles bounding box instead of the origin.  This should make the range of the repair tool more consistent regardless of where you are in relation to the vehicle and fix locations where you seem like you should be able to repair the vehicle but can’t.



Cruise Control

The vehicle version of auto-run, cruise control, should now continue to function when controller focus is no longer on the vehicle; for example when opening the map or alt tabbing.



Source: Game Update Notes (

Title: Re: Update Notes 8/5
Post by: Askira on 05/08/2014, 02:31
Inner blast damage reduced from 1000 to 750

Inner blast radius reduced from 0.5 meters to 0.35 meters

Affected launchers








    Skep Launcher



Jey Lets shoot with Bolts :D.....
Title: Re: Update Notes 8/5
Post by: PSNews on 05/08/2014, 03:07
Additional patch notes:


 Bugs Fixed
 Everything listed below has been fixed.

 Known Issues
 The tutorial has been disabled temporarily. We had a problem with the scripting when you exit that got into a bad state with the new spawning changes. We have a fix ready to go up with the first hotfix after the update.
 Motion Blur has been disabled. It was a factor in the input lag issue, and needs to be retooled to work correctly. We're going to gauge the demand but currently didn't have the bandwidth to add it back in for this update.
 Directives help page missing. We wanted to launch with it, but it came in a bit late. This is also ready for the first hotfix.
 Directive Tooltips Missing. We are planning on adding these in a future update.
 Commissioner Reload is missing an asset. Will be fixed in the first full downtime after the patch.
 The Tier 4 Launcher Directives cannot be completed by VS or NC. For each of these factions two launchers are missing directives. This will be fixed in a hotfix later this week. Don’t worry, any medals on the missing weapons will count when we fix it.
 The Tier 2 Sidearms directive for the NS-38 Underboss is erroneously wanting the gold medal instead of the silver. This will be fixed in a hotfix later this week.
 Ejection seat in the Sunderer. A couple seats in the Sundy will launch players out with too much force. We’ll be hotfixing this, but have fun with it over the next day or so.