The Re4pers - Planetside 2 Outfit on Cobalt

The Re4pers => Planetside 2 News => Planetside 2 - Update Notes => Topic started by: PSNews on 10/09/2021, 01:18

Title: [PTS] Test Server Update - Aug. 09, 2021 (New Player Experience)
Post by: PSNews on 10/09/2021, 01:18
Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies: (


The test server will be available with these changes around or before 6pm PDT / 3am CEST.


New Player Experience, Inbound

This push to PTS contains most of the main beats for the upcoming New Player Experience update. There is still a lot of polish left to be done, and some of the features we're working toward aren't quite finished. Any relevant notes along those lines will be found below. For the rest of it, we'd love for folks to jump in, run through (and try to break) the tutorial to ensure we can get all the kinks worked out before it hits Live.

Character Create

The character create process has been completely revisited with new UI, audio, visuals, and information. There's currently an issue when running resolutions other than 16:9 that can cause the "hitbox" of buttons and such to be incorrect, or have certain UI elements off the edge of the screen. This is something we're currently working through.

New Tutorial

The tutorial has been redone, start to finish. The tutorial is only available to non-NSO characters, and there is a lot of polish still left to do here. Vocals and audio timings are still being adjusted, NPC behaviors are still being smoothed out, and certain sub-sections are going to get a bit more love before this goes Live. When the tutorial zone is complete, players will roll into an NPE mission that gets the player started with their first battle. We are working on a follow-up mission that centers on introducing the player to squads as well, but that has been disabled for this PTS push.

Colorblind Filters

Players can now find new colorblind filters under the graphics settings. These filters attempt to correct for Protanopia, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia, and Achromatopsia colorblind conditions within the 3d game world, and there are two sliders available that modify the intensity of the adjustments.

Various NPE-related Updates

Sanctuary Embassies

Two new areas have been added to Sanctuary.

There is still a bit of polish left to be done with these rooms, and we'll be expanding their functionality in later updates as well.

Lighting Updates

We've changed a couple things with the lighting in this update.

Continents and Alerts

High-Pop (Conquest) Alerts

When a continent has more than 800 players on it, a "Conquest" Alert will immediately fire off that uses the same rules of a normal Meltdown.

Dev Note: For the third-party scripters out there, these are the alert IDs used for those events.

Low-Pop Zone Rotations

We're currently developing a feature that will allow Koltyr to become a part of the normal continent rotation, but only be made available during low-population times. Additionally, large continents will spin down when global populations dip below a certain threshold. This feature is still in development, and Koltyr has been disabled temporarily until it's ready.

TI Alloys

Indar's best/worst base is now available for play again.


System Changes

Contractor Rewards

Missions now have consistent rewards based on contractors.

Dev Note: We've restructured missions to allow for more control over your rewards, and provide more options to free players. All currencies can be found in the non-member missions, so regardless of what you're looking for, be it more A7, Certs, or Iso, you'll be able to earn it daily. Members-only missions tend to have higher reward payouts overall. The "extra" rewards from missions, the weapons and boosts, were removed from the dailies, though it's possible these sorts of things return as rewards for holidays or in another fashion.


Bastion Fleet Carrier


Heavy Machine Gun Resistance


T9A "Butcher" (TR Directive LMG)

Defector (NSO MAX)

Cortium Bomb (Tactical Slot)

Nanoweave Armor (Suit Slot)

Dev Note: We're aware that this change has been discussed a fair deal in the community recently, and are open to making modifications in the future as needed.

Ammunition Belt (Suit Slot)

Munitions Pouch (Suit Slot)

Flash Grenade

Quick-Det Flash

Implants, Implants, Implants

Cold Heart

Experimental Stims


Ocular Shield




Nanomesh Specialist



Misc. Changes, Fixes, and Additions

Source: Test Server: Announcements (