The Re4pers - Planetside 2 Outfit on Cobalt
The Re4pers => Planetside 2 News => Planetside 2 - Announcements => Topic started by: PSNews on 10/04/2019, 00:17
On Thursday, April 11th, 2019, at 2:00 PM PT (11:00 PM CEST) the PlanetSide 2 development team will be hosting a livestream at (!
With DX11 and the Nanite Systems Operatives faction available on the PTS, we're just around the corner from a big live update! We wanted to take a moment to check-in and chat about a couple of the things that are coming to the game, including DX11, Mentor Squads, and maybe even a sneak peek at the future tutorial system.
While the stream won't be too long, you'll also be able to hang out with us on Friday, April 12th, 2019, at 2:00 PM PT (11:00 PM CEST) during our Community Playtest on the PTS! More details will be announced during tomorrow's livestream, but be sure to mark your calendars now.
See you there, soldiers!
Source: Official News and Announcements (
So 10:00 PM Reapers standard time tomorrow. Get Your PTS clients downloaded beforehand i herd the new game client is a hefty download copered to the current one.
It's at 23:00 CEST MrFFF 8)
But will update the PTS for Friday. Definitely going to join the test event
we're just around the corner from a big live update!
Is there a new reward for participating in the playtests or is it still that one helmet?
Dunno. I would say, tune in to the dev stream and ask it in chat. Quickest way to know for sure
they'll give out that tripple throwing knife thing they showed the last time afaik
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