The Re4pers - Planetside 2 Outfit on Cobalt

The Re4pers => Planetside 2 News => Planetside 2 - Announcements => Topic started by: PSNews on 10/04/2019, 00:17

Title: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: PSNews on 10/04/2019, 00:17
On Thursday, April 11th, 2019, at 2:00 PM PT (11:00 PM CEST) the PlanetSide 2 development team will be hosting a livestream at (!

With DX11 and the Nanite Systems Operatives faction available on the PTS, we're just around the corner from a big live update! We wanted to take a moment to check-in and chat about a couple of the things that are coming to the game, including DX11, Mentor Squads, and maybe even a sneak peek at the future tutorial system.

While the stream won't be too long, you'll also be able to hang out with us on Friday, April 12th, 2019, at 2:00 PM PT (11:00 PM CEST) during our Community Playtest on the PTS! More details will be announced during tomorrow's livestream, but be sure to mark your calendars now.

See you there, soldiers!

Source: Official News and Announcements (
Title: Re: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: MrFFF on 10/04/2019, 09:03
So 10:00 PM Reapers standard time tomorrow. Get Your PTS clients downloaded beforehand i herd the new game client is a hefty download copered to the current one.
Title: Re: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: Duckyyz on 10/04/2019, 09:45
It's at 23:00 CEST MrFFF 8)

But will update the PTS for Friday. Definitely going to join the test event
Title: Re: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: DerWiedergaenger on 10/04/2019, 10:25
we're just around the corner from a big live update!

Title: Re: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: PhoenixPrixxx on 10/04/2019, 15:37
Is there a new reward for participating in the playtests or is it still that one helmet?
Title: Re: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: Duckyyz on 10/04/2019, 15:40
Dunno. I would say, tune in to the dev stream and ask it in chat. Quickest way to know for sure
Title: Re: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: ZinorraProSe on 10/04/2019, 19:25
they'll give out that tripple throwing knife thing they showed the last time afaik
Title: Re: Developer Livestream - Thursday, April 11 @ 2 PM PT
Post by: Fallengud on 15/02/2025, 09:35
Above should be deleted