The Re4pers > Public Announcements

Inactive Members

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--- Quote from: DerWiedergaenger on 08/06/2021, 08:37 ---I somehow totally lost the interest in PS2, havent been active since round christmas and had a very low activity prior to that.
Its a pity because i have been a member for serveral years.
So its totally fine to remove me, i can just return if my interest regains :D

Keep your guns strong mates!

--- End quote ---

but we don't kick people that hang around the forums or state they are being absent for whatever reason

Don't worry, you're alright...for now.

Can't say the same for the other 86 people.


--- Quote from: Iggyd on 08/06/2021, 18:51 ---Don't worry, you're alright...for now.

Can't say the same for the other 86 people.

--- End quote ---

86 people!!!!! dude, I am salivating now, KICK AND PURGE!


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