The Re4pers > Planetside 2 - Update Notes

[PTS] Mar. 23, 2023 - PTS Update

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The following update is now available on the Public Test Server.


Download the Test Server client from this thread after reading the Test Server Policies:


Perihelion (VS Lightning/Magrider Main Cannon)

* Charge time is no longer infinite, and can now be held for up to 5 seconds before automatically firing.
* This weapon still reaches a Stage 2 charge at 1 second, and a Stage 3 charge at 3 seconds.

JGX-12 (NC Vanguard Main Cannon)

* Direct damage from 650 to 600.
* Blast damage damage from 450 to 400.

JGX-11 (NC Lightning Main Cannon)

* Direct damage from 700 to 500.
* Indirect damage from 250 to 350.
* Reload speed from 3.75sec. to 4sec.Dev Note: The intention behind these changes are to bring the overall damage output further in line with the Vanguard and Lightning's AP cannons, while retaining the alpha damage advantage these weapons exemplify.

Aegis Shield (NC MAX Ability)

* While the shield is active, energy now drains at a rate of 40 per second.
* Energy recharge rate from 150 per second to 80 per second.Dev Note: These changes reduce the overall uptime of the Aegis Shield, and force more conscious management of the energy resource.

Triage Pulse (TR Combat Medic Ability)

* This ability is now energy-based, and requires full energy to activate.
* Implants and suit slots that modify combat medic ability energy now also affect Triage Pulse.

Misc. Bugfixes

* Fixed an issue preventing the Nimitz Reactor's shield recharge effect from being delivered to the client. Changes here have also increased the reliability of the UI when reporting shield-based abilities on vehicles.
* A-TROSS' Disruptor rounds now activate correctly when equipped.
* Hands should no longer clip into the weapons of GUI models.
* While on the redeploy screen, spawn option updates no longer close the remote vehicle spawn window.

Known Issues

NSO's Repair Drone is unreliable when attempting to repair the Valkyrie, Liberator, Galaxy, and Dervish. We are currently reviewing a speculative fix for this issue internally.

Source: Test Server: Announcements

JGX-12 (NC Vanguard Main Cannon)

* Direct damage from 650 to 600.
* Blast damage damage from 450 to 400.
JGX-11 (NC Lightning Main Cannon)

* Direct damage from 700 to 500.
* Indirect damage from 250 to 350.
* Reload speed from 3.75sec. to 4sec.
Yea, makes sense.... that was also absolutely the weapon I had in mind which desperately needs a nerf since it's still possible in rare occasions to kill enemies which are not AFK.
But at least they don't nerf specifically only NC maxes further after the last change...

Aegis Shield (NC MAX Ability).....

ohh f%&k it, really ?!

Really really, another nc max nerf 😅😅

... this is bad for my mental well being.

... think I might get a touhou relaps at this point


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