The Re4pers > Planetside 2 - Update Notes

PC Hotfix - 4/5


All PC servers will be taken offline for an update at 5PM PT (Midnight UTC). Expected downtime is less than 2 hours.

Bug Fixes

* Fixed an issue where third person vehicle audio and some game elements were loud and didn't acknowledge master volume settings. (This was pushed earlier today.)
* Squad leader certifications should be unlockable/useable for players who've joined the ASP.
* ASP grenades no longer show as purchaseable in the loadout cert list until you've unlocked the relevant ASP skill.
* Platoons now display ASP players as an icon, instead of a battle rank (as they currently do with squads.)
* Tab menu exp bar once again updates progress.
* Speculative fix for an issue where viewing certain outfit applications could freeze the client.
* Ranking up no longer creates a significant hitch.
Source: Game Update Notes

Fixed an issue where third person vehicle audio and some game elements were loud and didn't acknowledge master volume settings. (This was pushed earlier today.)

Oh, I really liked it, made the Vanguard cannon sound so much more powerful (and the top gun too) :(


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