The Re4pers > Planetside 2 - Update Notes

[PTS] PTS Update - 4/2

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The PlanetSide 2 Public Test Server will be updated this evening with the following changes.

Advanced Specialization Program

* Infiltrator’s Carbine Access unlock has been removed.
* Heavy Assault’s LMG Secondary unlock has been removed.
* Heavy Assault can now gain access to Reserve Hardlight Barriers through the ASP, more info below.
* Fixed a bug where players could not spend ASP tokens if they only had one left.


* A new Utility Item, the Reserve Hardlight Barrier, has been added.
* Reserve Hardlight Barriers function similar to the standard Hardlight Barrier, except that you can only carry up to two before needing to resupply, and they cost 50 nanites a piece to equip.
* The Engineer’s standard Hardlight Barrier can be placed in close proximity to a Reserve Hardlight Barrier, and both can be on the field at once.


* Pain Spire particle effects have been updated, these are still placeholdery.
* Structure Shield Module’s Overcharged Shield activation time from 15 sec. 5 sec.
* Overcharged Shield cooldown from 30 sec. to 40 sec.
* Overcharged Shield now affects Pillboxes, Bunkers, Towers, Sunderer Garages, and Vehicle Gate Shields.
* Repair Modules no longer heal walls with Overcharged Shield active, but they may still be repaired by other sources.
* Repair Module no longer causes players to shout for repairs.

Misc. Additions, Changes, and Fixes

* The “Medical Building” asset should once again have an interior.
* Fixed a crash related to solo platoons.
Source: Planetside 2 Test Server: Announcements


noooooooo i was really locking forward to the em6/anchor combi heavy ;D

but i guess then it will be em6/gladius

only thing i am looking for is an LMG FOR MY ENGY. so i dont have to play a heavy assault.

why use an LMG if you can have an AR?


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