The Re4pers > Planetside 2 - Update Notes

March. 28, 2024 - April Update (PC Update)


April Fools!

The Puzzler Bundle

New for sale this year is the Puzzler Bundle. This Bundle includes:

* 4x Puzzler Hairmet, one in each faction color
* The Puzzler Decal
* The Puzzler Banner & Banner Frame
* Liberator Puzzler Cockpit Glass
* The Puzzler Hood Ornament
* Vehicle Clown Horns! Honk, honk!April Fools Cosmetics (April 1st - April 10th)

* Aprils Fools Cosmetics & Bundles are returning from April 1st until April 10thApril Fools Sale (April 1st - April 7th)

* 40% off Infantry WeaponsNS-44 "Primed Amethyst" Commissioner makes it's Depot Debut!

* Originally part of the 11th Anniversary Bundle (and still is)
* This Commissioner sidearm has entered the Depot as an individual cosmetic to purchase!NS-44 "Primed Ruby" Commissioner

* The Red Crystal Commissioner is available for purchase in the store
* This is a variant of the NS-44 "Primed Amethyst" Commissioner with a red crystal themeClass Banners, Frames and Decals

You might have noticed that we are making some nice class cosmetics that can be purchased with Certs in the Depot! Each month we aim to release a Banner, Frame and Decal for a class!

So far we have:


For the sneaky price of 10 Certs each you can get:

* Infiltrator Class Banner
* Infiltrator Class Banner Frame
* Infiltrator Class DecalLight Assault

Available for 10 Certs each in the depot are:

* Light Assault Class Banner
* Light Assault Class Banner Frame

* Enjoy double xp from April 1st - 4th.Bug Fixes

* Audio for the NS-11A equipped with a suppressor has been fixed
* An incorrect "Restricted Area" location on Amerish has been removed
* Several boxes that fell through the floor on Esamir have been re-solidified and relocated
* The directives screen will again clearly show when something has not been unlocked
* MGR-C1 Charger overcharged muzzle flash VFX should now play properly
* The Target Focus implant should now correctly work when the Hud Indicator size is set to large
* Fixed terminal interaction in command centers
* Characters should once again appear at their proper size during character creation
* Archer reload audio should now player properly in first person
* Slight optic adjustments for the NS-44: "Primed Amethyst" Commissioner
Source: Game Update Notes


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