The Re4pers > Planetside 2 - Update Notes

Nov. 30, 2023 - PC Hotfix


Game servers will go down for our scheduled pc update tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm cest. for a 3hr downtime window.

Misc. Changes, and Fixes

* Auraximas items will return to the depot on December 1st, ahead of the Auraximus event
* Tweaked the camera for the Fortune Seeker to reduce how much it obstructs the view
* The 11-year anniversary "Rockhound" VS MAX armor will no longer occasionally deflect bullets
* The Commissioner sights have returned from their communion with Vanu
* Crystal Shaders have been reworked to improve visual quality and reduce bugs
* The LAV line of rocket launchers have had their reload animations fixed
Source: Game Update Notes


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