The Re4pers > Planetside 2 - Announcements

State of PS2 8/25

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Well, it was a long weekend for everyone. I know we have a lot going on, so here's where we stand on some of the hotter topics:

* Euro server login times: I think we finally have a solution here. Late Sunday we put up some new code and config changes that should have finally put a nail in this issue. I wanted to wait until we were through peak hours today, and it looks good.
* Server performance: We are hoping the August update helps here, we have several tweaks that should improve things. Nothing earth-shattering, but it should start to look a bit better. It's going to be a point of emphasis from the Code guys for the next couple months.
* August update: Right now we're still on target for Weds of this week. The build has a lot of nice things in it besides the Valkyrie, and I really want to get it to live to help overall quality. It includes a hitch fix, hit reg improvements, splash damage in the VR zone...and other good stuff.
* 25% member Depot discount: We had some marketplace data leak out that was unintentional. I could have pulled it down, but we figured you guys deserved something to go your way this weekend.
* Directives progress getting lost: We think we have the fix for this. It'll be going up in the August update. If this weekend hadn't been so bad I would have tried to hotfix it today, but we just never had the time. The bad news is that we won't be able to grant the lost counts. I asked our BI group and they did a bunch of investigating but there's no way to run a query to sort it out. We're really sorry about it, and apologize for the resets.
* Overall game quality: We know the game isn't in great shape right now in certain areas, so there's a meeting this afternoon about moving some features out a bit, and focusing on performance and bug fixes for September. I'll update you on that later.
* Roadmap: We're in the process of updating it now and should have something soon.
Source: Official News and Announcements


--- Quote from: PS2 NewsBot on 26/08/2014, 00:28 ---

* Directives progress getting lost: We think we have the fix for this. It'll be going up in the August update. If this weekend hadn't been so bad I would have tried to hotfix it today, but we just never had the time. The bad news is that we won't be able to grant the lost counts. I asked our BI group and they did a bunch of investigating but there's no way to run a query to sort it out. We're really sorry about it, and apologize for the resets.
Source: Official News and Announcements

--- End quote ---

Not suprised..btw fuck u SOE.

Yea, I'd have my shiny auraxium plating for the LA by now if it wasn't reset 5 times now :-/

always a screw up somewhere from SOE!


--- Quote from: JohnnyDread on 27/08/2014, 08:20 ---Yea, I'd have my shiny auraxium plating for the LA by now if it wasn't reset 5 times now :-/

--- End quote ---

to be honest they look like shit...


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