The Re4pers > Planetside 2 - Announcements

Be in the Know About Player Studio!


One program that received a lot of attention at this year’s SOE Live was Player Studio. We held our first ever Player Studio Awards during Thursday night’s welcome reception, had photos of items on display in the general convention area, and had two exciting panels just on Player Studio (one of which was livestreamed on Saturday morning).

If all this news has you excited about the potential of Player Studio, here’s a quick guide to help you find all the information you need to learn more and get involved:

Player Studio Website:

Player Studio Forums:

EQ Player Studio Site:

EQII Player Studio Site:

PS2 Player Studio Site:

Landmark Player Studio Site:

Currently, Player Studio is open to residents of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. To begin the tax registration process to become a Player Studio creator, visit this site: and click on "Tax Registration (w8/w9).

We hope to see your creations in Player Studio!

Source: Official News and Announcements


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